
Program Principles and Approaches

The Bureau for Rights Development (BRD) is an experienced rights-based development organisation. Our strong organisation structure and approaches  ensures  program effectiveness and efficiency in achieving maximum  results. In undertaking programs, our work is guided by our robust project management and quality assurance mechanisms. As non-profit organisation, we ensure that our operation and services to be in the acceptable norms and standard aligned with its mandate and international practices, donors’ requirements. The key principles and approaches, those guide our operations and programs are outlined as bellow: 


Human Rights Based Approach

BRD has fully The Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) in it programs, with the objectives to: Strengthen the understanding of rights, i.e., understanding the location, forms, and perpetrators of rights violations; recognising who is vulnerable and assessing degrees of vulnerability, and recognizing existing power imbalances in society. Ensure accountability and transparency by identifying rights-holders (and their entitlements) and corresponding duty-bearers (and their obligations). Build capacities for the realization of rights so that rights-holders can make claims and duty-bearers can meet their obligations. Facilitate the active and meaningful participation of multiple stakeholders, including people who directly benefit from projects through access to development processes and institutions, improved information, legal redress, and other positive strategies; Create a sense of ownership of development processes through strategies of empowerment that focus on rights-holders both directly and through their advocates and civil society organizations. and Encourage the expression of rights through different mediums of communication and interaction with people across regions.

Ky Principles of HRBA

Cross-Cutting Themes

HP, Core Strandars and Accountability to the Affected Population (APP)

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