
International Principles To Aid and Development Cooperation Effectiveness


The Bureau for Rights Development (BRD) is an experienced rights-based development organization. Our strong organization structure and approach ensures program effectiveness and efficiency in achieving maximum benefits and results. Since the development aid is a limited resource, which needs to be spent as effectively as possible in order to achieve results. Eradicating poverty and achieving strong, inclusive, sustainable and pluralistic society is the core aims of BRD rights based development agenda. As national organisation BRD is committed to fully align its programs and approaches with the international principles and best practices, to ahcieve local ownership. Ensuring meaningful participation of local civil society and communities to help alleviate poverty and strengthen national resilience. Empower local communities through more effective delivery of development cooperation programs. BRD has fullly mainsreamed relevant international agreed principles and commitments its programs and policies, to improve effectivenes of aid and development cooperation; such as 2005 Paris Declaration, the 2008 Accra Agenda for Action, the 2011 Busan Outcome Document. BRD has fuly alligned its programs with the national strategey and proirties, those indentified through a bottom-up particpatory process, ensuring the leadership and ownership of the state, and communities at the local level. Through its rights based approach BRD is empowering local communities and civil socity to promote accountalbity and transparancy of the pulic instituions and other services providers, at the natioanl and local goverancne level. Furthermore BRD development coopration programs are aligned to fully contribut to the reializaiton of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Finally for ensuring its own accountablity, transparancy sustainablity, to delvery effective developmen cooperation programs with increased capacity, BRD has adopted an startegic objective which focused on imporving BRD internal organisation, policies and process, to ensure transparancy, accoutnablity and sustainablity of organisation in relaization of our aim, mission and committmetns.

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