
Aid and Development Corporation Effectiveness


Enhancing development cooperation effectiveness has been one of the key concerns of the development community and donors. The growing evidence that a number of donor requirements and processes for aid delivery have not producing the desired result, due to allingment and harmonization with natioal priorities and the lack of ownership and effective participation of civil socity and communities at the local level.

Development Challenges: Despite progress made by the MDGS and SDGs, poverty and inequality, in their multiple dimensions remain as the central challenges not only Afghanistan but across all regions,. Slow economic growth, food insecurity, access to water and energy, lack of quality education and decent work for all includng the instances of conflict, fragility and vulnerability to economic shocks, natural disasters, and health pandemics are also the pressing concerns in many countries in the world. Climate change add further complexity to the globle development agenda. In Afghanistan context, the collops of the government, the consertive policies, towards women participation, work and access to education, international sanctions, affected the social economic infrustructure, natual deasaters and the current humaniterian crises are the pressing challenge in the ways of development and buidling a pluralistic socity.
Beside the above chalanges, there are opportuinties for human development and means to end poverty at global scale, but requires political will for continues efforts, for shared development,
improving gender equality, promotionand protection of human rights.

Our Approach and Commitment for Enhancing aid and development cooperation effectiveness

Since the development aid is a limited resource, which needs to be spent as effectively as possible in order to achieve results. Better nationalpolicies at the country level, coupled with improved aid allocation as per the national priorities and meningfull particpation of civil soceity, communties will increase aid effectiveness towards eradicating poverty. Development Cooperation is increasingly acts as a catalyst to spur the change needed to create conditions in which people are able to raise their incomes and live longer, healthier and more productive lives. Eradicating poverty and achieving strong, inclusive, sustainable and pluralistic society is the core aims of BRD rights based development agenda.

  • As rights based development organizaiton BRD is fully on board and committed to the global partnership for development, as set out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS.
  • As national organisation BRD is committed to fully align its programs and approaches with the international principles and best practices increased national and local ownership and meaningsful participation of local civil society and communities to help alleviate poverty, strengthen national resilience and empower local communities through more effective delivery of development cooperation programs. BRD is also committed to mainstream the relevant international agreed principles and commitments for improving effectiveness through development cooperation such 2005 Paris Declaration, the 2008 Accra Agenda for Action, the 2011 Busan Outcome Document.
  • Working at the national local level, BRD recognise that the state has the primary responsibility for the economic and social development in the country. BRD has full alligned its programs with the national strategy and priorities, those identified through a bottom-up participatory process, ensuring the leadership and ownership of the state, and communities at the local level who are affected from these policies.

1. Through its rights based approach BRD is empowering local communities and civil socity to promote accountably and transparency at the public institutions and other services providers, at the national and local governance level using the available mechanism at the local and national level.

2. BRD is fully committed for its development cooperation programs and to fully contribute towards the realisation of Sustainable Development Goals. Our ambitions are higher than ever – we need to ensure all resources are used as effectively as possible to reach our collective goals.

3. Promoting the aid effectiveness at the national level BRD is also member of AID Effectiveness Group, created by the Agency Coordination Body for Afghan Releif and Development (ACBAR).

4. BRD is ensuring its own accountability, transparency sustainability, to delivery effective development coopration programs with increased capacity, BRD has adopted an startegic objective which focused on improving BRD internal organisation, policies and process, to ensure transparency, accountability and sustainability of organisation in relaization of our aim, mission and commitments.

BRD key priorities in our approach to development effectiveness, which were articulated in the long term strategy under the aid and development coopration effectiveness are outlined as bellow:

  • Working together to other organisation, in all avaialble prolt-froms at natioanl and internal level to promote, the delvery of aid more effectively through simplifying and harmonising donor practices in collaboration targeted state and other relevant decision makers in relation to the effectiveness of development, to addressing the local driven development priorities and also participation of the CSOs and local communities.
  • Through HRB BRD will continues to empower local societies and communities for their effective engagement at the local decision making process and policy development, promote accountability of the state institution and other actors, to ensure local ownership, accountability, measurement and demonstration of sustainable results.
  • Implementation its programs in full coordination with the relevant instations, actors and stakeholders both at the national and sub-national level to prevent duplication, reduce aid fragmentation and promote harmonisation.
  • As working more than two decades in fragile state, BRD is fully committed to the new approaches and working methods in the situations and changing environment due to the conflicts and fragility.
  • When relevant engage in public-private partnership for development impact, such as working with local chamber of commerce, banks and entrepreneurs and private business for their active engagement the development agenda, both at the natioanl and sub-national level.

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