
Outreach and Policy Advocacy

As per the mandate of the organisation and our engagement in the country of origin in through our key programs, and being active as part of the diaspora lead organisation, provide BRD with a unique position to be  engaged in policy advocacy both in Sweden, EU and other UN bodies. The key agenda of BRD policy advocacy, before the collops of Afghanistan to hand ofTaliban, were focused on promoting human rights, inclusive development, and peace in Afghanistan, including the concerns, issues related to the Afghan refugees and migrants in Sweden at the EU in large. With our relevant knowledge and information from Afghanistan, through its advocacy BRD was effectively lobbying for more resources to address the real needs and priorities of Afghan people. BRD has also actively engaged in lobbying/advocacy for a policy to include Afghan Diasporas in the development cooperation and humanitarian action, including resources for capacity development of diasporas organization in policy advocacy, inclusivity of the afghan peace process and the commitment of the parties of conflict Afghanistan to protect culture heritage and respect Hague conventions and UN security council resolutions. After the collops of Afghanistan to hands of Taliban on 15 August 2021, BRD has reviewed its advocacy strategy, and priorities and included key issues and themes to be covered by our policy advocacy work are on the current needs of Afghan population for humanitarian assistance, protection, and resettlement, and repones of the international community to the human rights atrocities in Afghanistan.


Current and Past Advocacy Work

Raising Awareness

The purpose of the program is to raise awareness about human rights, poverty, humanitarian, and development situation in Afghanistan, including the needs for protection, resettlement of Afghans who are in need to protection to encourage the attention of relevant institutions organization for support and engage to address the priority needs of afghan population. Approach: BRD as rights-based organization and part of Swedish civil society will continue to be engaged and aware ness raising about human rights and humanitarian response in Afghanistan and the needs for protection and resettlement of Afghans both at the EU and neighbouring countries.

  1. Awareness Raising Campaign On social media: BRD has a dynamic social media channel, which has more followers, where our social media campaign on the key issue of the needs and priority in Afghanistan and afghan refugees and migrants in EU specially in Sweden are communicated to wider audience to generate more support for our causes and needs and reaching to the policy and decision makers.
  2. Outreach to key politicians, institutions, civil society and media, participation in the relevant meetings, seminars, conference, and media interviews both in Sweden and EU and providing a real prospective on the situation in Afghanistan, the needs, and its consequences for the world and specially EU and become the voice of those who are currently voiceless and order to generate more support and bring the attention of the world to the situation of Afghanistan.
  3. Developing massage and communication materials such as press releases, statements, issue specific reports and findings, research and recommendations, publishing through social media and dissemination to a broader audience such as civil society, influential politician, diasporas, media outlets, international organization and the UN will help for wider reach and dissemination of our communication and information which will facilitate full understanding among the target audience.
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